Endo Bronchial Ultrasound Doctor in Delhi

Endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle goal (EBUS-TBNA) is a solid and grounded method that empowers the perception and inspecting of mediastinal, focal and hilar sores and lymph hubs inside the tracheobronchial tree.

With the EBUS bronchoscope embedded into the windpipe or the throat, the open lymph hub stations can be investigated and the sores laid out while offering you the opportunity to choose from various EBUS needle setups and sizes relying upon your necessities.

Daigonsis of Treatment By EBUS
  • Sarcodsis
  • Staging of lung cancer
  • Determine the lung infection
Types of EBUS
  • Radial probe EBUS (RP-EBUS): Radial test endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) helps in the assessment and examining of fringe pneumonic sores (knobs, masses, combination), and has been exhibited a more secure option in contrast to processed tomography directed methodology, particularly in injuries that are away from the chest divider.
  • convex and linear probe EBUS (CP-EBUS)
Benefits of EBUS
  • EBUS is performed under moderate sedation or general sedation
  • Patients recuperate rapidly and can typically return home that very day
  • It gives continuous imaging of the outer layer of the aviation routes, veins, lungs, and lymph hubs.

Do you know about Endobronchial Ultrasound Hospital in South Delhi

Call for More info : Dr. NEETU JAIN